"Christmas Season Joy" by Shane C. Montgomery
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Christmas is the time of year when just about everybody becomes holy. There is a great spirit of giving, a time of putting others before ourselves. It is a wonderful time of year. Many will go out of their way to provide for others less fortunate then themselves, putting in more hours at work to raise more money to purchase gifts for others and volunteering at shelters, soup kitchens, hospitals, the church and other ministries. This is indeed the time of year when people put forward their very best, it is a time when we all become just a little more holy. We hear people say, "Jesus is the reason for the season!" and rightly so. We see more and more folks getting upset about when others use the dreaded abbreviation, "XMas" instead of "Christmas" and rightly so. Even though most do not understand the "X" was the earliest known symbol for early Christians, as a way of marking themselves in secret so as to prevent persecution. The Koine Greek letters "Chi and Rho" the first few letters in "Christ" were placed on top each other and that formed somewhat to look like a cross or an "X" depending on how it was written. If you do not know Biblical Greek, you can easily find the alphabet on line by simply "Googling" it, and you can see the proper Greek symbol for those letters.
Christmas is truly a great and wonderful time of year, where else do we see and hear so much about Christ outside the church? We as believers are of course happy about this, this embracing of Jesus Christ by such a large portion of the world. Even if they do not normally attend church, they will celebrate the birth of our Savior, and in this we are pleased, we often pray and hope for those we love who are not converted that a Christmas miracle will happen and those family members or friends might be saved and regenerated. But usually within a few days of Christmas all that is behind most folks and these same people who were saying "Jesus is the reason for the season" are now planning their big New Years Eve party, complete with alcohol.
We see this every year and we have come to expect it to be this way, those outside the Church embracing Christ for a short season and then returning to their old ways and their old sinful lives.
Where do we go from here? How about the Gospel of John chapter Three, verses 22-36? What does these verses have to do with Christmas? Or with non-believers? Or even with believers? Why and how would this bit of Scripture help us understand better?
Christmas is truly a great and wonderful time of year, where else do we see and hear so much about Christ outside the church? We as believers are of course happy about this, this embracing of Jesus Christ by such a large portion of the world. Even if they do not normally attend church, they will celebrate the birth of our Savior, and in this we are pleased, we often pray and hope for those we love who are not converted that a Christmas miracle will happen and those family members or friends might be saved and regenerated. But usually within a few days of Christmas all that is behind most folks and these same people who were saying "Jesus is the reason for the season" are now planning their big New Years Eve party, complete with alcohol.
We see this every year and we have come to expect it to be this way, those outside the Church embracing Christ for a short season and then returning to their old ways and their old sinful lives.
Where do we go from here? How about the Gospel of John chapter Three, verses 22-36? What does these verses have to do with Christmas? Or with non-believers? Or even with believers? Why and how would this bit of Scripture help us understand better?
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