"Five Facts Friday"
Friday, February 11, 2011
1) Pilgrims ate popcorn at the first Thanksgiving dinner.
2) Percentage of Americans who say that God has spoken to them: 36%
3) Percentage of Americans who regularly attend religious services: 43%
4) City with highest per capita viewership of TV evangelists: Washington DC
5) Men can read smaller print than women; women can hear better.
"Keeping The Heart" By John Flavel
Chapter Five of "Keeping The Heart"
The fifth season, requiring diligence in keeping the heart, is the time of outward wants. Although at such times we should complain to God, not of God, (the throne of grace being erected for a "time of need,") yet when the waters of relief run low, and want begins to press, how prone are the best hearts to distrust the fountain! When the meal in the barrel and the oil in the cruse are almost spent, our faith and patience too are almost spent. It is now difficult to keep the proud and unbelieving heart in a holy quietude and sweet submission at the foot of God. It is an easy thing to talk of trusting God for daily bread, while we have a full barn or purse; but to say as the prophet, "Though the fig-tree should not blossom, neither fruit be in the vine, &c. yet will I rejoice in the Lord:" surely this is not easy. Would you know then how a Christian may keep his heart from distrusting God, or repining against him, when outward wants are either felt or feared?—The case deserves to be seriously considered, especially now, since it seems to be the design of Providence to empty the people of God of their creature fullness, and acquaint them with those difficulties to which hitherto they have been altogether strangers. To secure the heart from the dangers attending this condition, these considerations may, through the blessing of the Spirit, prove effectual:
The fifth season, requiring diligence in keeping the heart, is the time of outward wants. Although at such times we should complain to God, not of God, (the throne of grace being erected for a "time of need,") yet when the waters of relief run low, and want begins to press, how prone are the best hearts to distrust the fountain! When the meal in the barrel and the oil in the cruse are almost spent, our faith and patience too are almost spent. It is now difficult to keep the proud and unbelieving heart in a holy quietude and sweet submission at the foot of God. It is an easy thing to talk of trusting God for daily bread, while we have a full barn or purse; but to say as the prophet, "Though the fig-tree should not blossom, neither fruit be in the vine, &c. yet will I rejoice in the Lord:" surely this is not easy. Would you know then how a Christian may keep his heart from distrusting God, or repining against him, when outward wants are either felt or feared?—The case deserves to be seriously considered, especially now, since it seems to be the design of Providence to empty the people of God of their creature fullness, and acquaint them with those difficulties to which hitherto they have been altogether strangers. To secure the heart from the dangers attending this condition, these considerations may, through the blessing of the Spirit, prove effectual:
" The True Church" by J. C. Ryle (1816-1900)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
The following Sermon was preached in England, in August, 1858. "On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not overcome it" (Matthew 16:18) We live in a world in which all things are passing away. Kingdoms, empires, cities, institutions, families, all are liable to change and corruption. One universal law seems to prevail everywhere. In all created things there is a tendency to decay.
"Great New Tract"
Monday, February 7, 2011
I want to take a moment to tell you about a brand new Gospel tract that is available now from our friends at Custom Tract Source.com, http://www.customtractsource.com/Post-It-Note-What-If_p_391.html
This looks to be a great tract and a great idea, in a sticky note, post it form, this is ingenious! Let's hope many Christians put this great new tract to use in their witnessing. Having a tract like this that you can simply "Stick" to a wall, shelf, display, etc. will help get the Word of God to a lost world.
There is no better place for good tracts then CTS.
Be Holy!
This looks to be a great tract and a great idea, in a sticky note, post it form, this is ingenious! Let's hope many Christians put this great new tract to use in their witnessing. Having a tract like this that you can simply "Stick" to a wall, shelf, display, etc. will help get the Word of God to a lost world.
There is no better place for good tracts then CTS.
Be Holy!