"The Blessed Man" By Arthur Pink (1938)
Friday, April 29, 2011
"When Greed Replaces Mission" by Shane C. Montgomery
Thursday, April 28, 2011
This blog will no longer endorse, encourage or link to Living Waters ministry. I will be removing anything related to them. I do this because they continue to align with Trinity Broadcasting Network (TB) which is a "Pay For Pray" scam and not a legitimate God fearing, Christ serving ministry, they promote their own financial gain over in place of promoting the life giving message of the Gospel. So, in continuing to promote Living Waters I would be promoting TBN and I cannot in good conscience live with that.
"A New Reformed Idolatry" by Shane C. Montgomery
Monday, April 25, 2011
The idolatry of the Charismatics has found its way into the Reformed faith. It sickens me to hear of the rash of Reformed Cruises that have popped up over the last year, bringing this sick TBN type idolatry to our churches. Is this something that serves a purpose? Is it a necessity? Does it edify the believer? What about the cost? From $599 a person up to $3,218 a person, is this making good use of God's money? Is this type of frivolous spending, this pampering of the saint in the name of education, is this right? Could we be putting this money to better use? Say by spreading the Gospel, or feeding the poor. This is nothing but self-centered adults who have become complacent and spoiled indulgencing their materialistic lusts and all in the name of Jesus Christ.