"The Fields White Unto Harvest" by Shane C. Montgomery W/Reference to Richard Baxter
Saturday, July 10, 2010
I am a man who feels the weight of mens souls pressing upon my chest daily. The Lord who delivered me, who freed me from the bondage of sin, now calls me to call others to Him. Since He regenerated me and is sanctifying me, little by little, making me holy, more Christ like. He has also been preparing me over the last four years or so for this calling, blessing me with a voice to cry out with, a voice to plea with, a voice to proclaim the Good News of Salvation through Christ Alone.
"A Return to Puritanism!" by Shane C. Montgomery
Thursday, July 8, 2010
When I was kid if you knew someone old, maybe a neighbor lady, who never cussed, never drank, always went to bed early in the evening and was always one of the first up in the morning, always polite, and never missed a church worship service, then you would have called this person a "Puritan." Back in the days when I was a snot nosed brat, this was meant to be an insult, but was it?