"Sept. 11, 2009" by Shane C. Montgomery
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Sept. 11,2009 will be a great day in America for all Christians. Or it will be a flop. That is the day "Cry Out America" will be held, at 12:00 Noon at courthouses in every county of the United States of America. Christians from every county will come together as The Body of Christ to pray, fast and call for national repentance. The event is sponsored by Awakening America Alliance, which is a very great organization. They are going all out in an atempt to bring God back to our great nation. Each county has a coordinator to set up and run this event for and in their county. For Highland County, OH that would be me. This is not the first time I have tried to bring the Body of Christ together in this area to call for repentance and to reach out to the lost.
"Spoiled, Lazy Americans!" by Shane C. MOntgomery
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Spoiled, lazy Americans... How does that make you feal? Does it make you upset? It shouldn't, because it is true. Can you honestly tell me that we as a nation, are not spoiled and lazy? I will grant you that we, as a people, normally have a good work ethic. We have no problem motivating ourselves to get out of bed every morning and rushing off to work. We have no problem working hard and being nice to our co-workers, in an attempt to get ahead and earn that raise or that promotion.