DISCOURAGEMENT- Taken from A.W. Pink's Studies in the Scriptures, June 1948 Issue
Monday, November 8, 2010
We turn now to consider its correctives; and obviously, these must be a diligent and resolute opposition to those evils which work in us faint-heartedness. As we have previously intimated, most of our
discouragements result from disappointments; and they, in turn, issue from unrealized expectations―the dashing of our hopes. Whether it be persons or things, when they yield not that which we look for, our
souls are cast down; and the stronger our expectation, the keener our disappointment when it be not fulfilled.
discouragements result from disappointments; and they, in turn, issue from unrealized expectations―the dashing of our hopes. Whether it be persons or things, when they yield not that which we look for, our
souls are cast down; and the stronger our expectation, the keener our disappointment when it be not fulfilled.