"Believers and Depression" By Shane C. Montgomery
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
For twenty years after my ETS (Army Slang for separation) my service to our country was mostly a distant memory, except for some side effects, such as ever increasing nightmares, anxiety, things were mostly okay, but once I hit my early forties things started to fall apart quickly, and one right after another. I found out that if you let things go and neglect having certain issues addressed, then they will one day grow out of control, and that is where I found myself, some not so serious injuries in the service, ignored for a couple of decades, bloomed into some serious health problems, and a few incidents of severe stress left untreated and more or less, denied, lead to its own set of problems. Once I began to realize these things were not going to go away on their own, and I had better see someone about them, it was almost too late, my injuries left untreated mostly now cause daily pain, and the stress, let me tell you about stress, never, ever take it lightly! Stress is a killer with a capitol "K" my friends. Left untreated, ignored, denied and pushed to the back of your mind will lead to serious problems over time, no matter what anyone tells you, on-going stress will eventually take its toll on you.