I am a man who feels the weight of mens souls pressing upon my chest daily. The Lord who delivered me, who freed me from the bondage of sin, now calls me to call others to Him. Since He regenerated me and is sanctifying me, little by little, making me holy, more Christ like. He has also been preparing me over the last four years or so for this calling, blessing me with a voice to cry out with, a voice to plea with, a voice to proclaim the Good News of Salvation through Christ Alone.
Knees that are strong enough to handle my weight in prayer, a mind that can discern truth from false teachings, sound doctrine from bad, flimsy man centered doctrines. We are saved by Faith alone, in Christ alone, by Grace alone, to the Glory of God alone.
And it is because of this free gift of salvation, one we can never possibly earn or deserve, we feel this pressing weight to bring others to Christ. If you are truly regenerated, you will desire to see others saved. You will desire to see others avoid the eternal punishment of Hell. You will desire to see others gain entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven, you will desire to see others give Glory to God and God Alone. You will also have a desire to read edifying books from people who have been in your shoes, men of God who have felt the same pressing weight you now feel. Like Richard Baxter, an English Puritan in the early 17th century who wrote one of the greatest books ever penned on the duties of the regenerated man. His book "The Reformed Pastor" is not about "Reformed Pastors", this I agree, is a little misleading, but the book is mostly concerning Christian pastors and their duties and responsibilities, but it also largely applies to the average Christian. This I mean, the true Christian, not the ones who go to Church on Sunday morning to be entertained, but the Christian who goes to Church on the Lord's Day for Lord's Day Worship. Big difference there, the first is playing a dangerous game with his soul, and the second is being faithful and will be rewarded with eternal communion with God. So having said all of this, I am posting a section from the great Puritan writer, Richard Baxter and his book "The Reformed Pastor" a must read for all true believers, and especially those who have been called to witness to the lost.
"And now brethren, what have we to do for the time to come, but to deny our lazy flesh, and rouse up ourselves to the work before us. The harves is great, the labourers are few, the loiterers and hinderers are many, the souls of men are precious, the misery of sinners is great, and the everlasting misery to which they are near is greater, the joys of heaven are inconceivable, the comfort of a faithful minister is not small, the joy of extensive success will be a full reward. To be fellow-workers with God and His Spirit is no little honor, to subserve the blood shedding of Christ for men's salvation is not a light thing. To lead ont the armies of Christ through the thickest of the enemy, to guide them safely through a dangerous wilderness, to seer the vessels through such storms and rocks and sands and shelves, and bring it safe to the harbor of rest, requireth no small skill and diligence.
The fields now seem even white unto harvest, the preparations that have been made for us are very great, the season of working is more calm than most ages before us have ever seen. We have carelessly loitered too long already, the present time is posting away, while we are trifling, men are dying, oh how fast are they passing into another world! And is there nothing in all this to awaken us to our duty, nothing to resolve us to speedy and unwearied diligence? Can we think that a man can be too careful and painful under all these motives and engagements? Or can that man be a fit instrument for other men's illumination, who is himself so blind? Or for the quickening of others, who is himself so senseless? What sirs are ye, who are men of wisdom, as dull as the common people? And do we need to heap up a multitude of words to persuade you to a known and weighty duty? One would think it should be enough to set you on work, to show a line in the Book of God, to prove it to be His will, or to prove to you that the work hath a tendency to promote men's salvation."
From "The Reformed Pastor" by Richard Baxter.
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